No health insurance for Mawchi lead miners due to lack of official contracts

No health insurance for Mawchi lead miners due to lack of official contracts
by -
Phe Bu

Difficulties may rise in settling disputes on health issues between employers and miners working at the mining holes in Mawchi lead mine in the Kayah State due to lack of contracts.

Kayah State Hluttaw MP U Thae Reh from Hpruso Township said a path needs to be created to resolve the sufferings if the miners contract lead poisoning.  

“What they are doing now isn’t official. They are doing it unlawfully. The government doesn’t receive tax. So, I believe the State is suffering. The government needs to do this. All lead mining pits need to be registered officially. Only then will the State receive tax and there won’t be problems between the workers and their employers,” he said.

Many residents of Hpruso have contracted lead poisoning after working at Mawchi lead mine.

State Hluttaw MP Thae Reh, the Hpruso Township General Administrator, lead mining pits owners from Mawchi lead mine, and workers negotiated the issue on April 2.

The Hpruso Township General Administrator said workers need to submit their complaints against their employers within one year of the dispute and the complaints of the miners, who contracted lead poisoning, is over one year old so it cannot be covered by the labor law.

“As we had to drill with the gun several times, we were exposed to vibrations and gunpowder. I only knew after three months. I stopped working after coughing a lot,” said U Soe Reh from Hpruso, who came back home after working in Mawchi mine industry.

Hluttaw MP Thae Reh raised a question on the issue of the miners that contracted lead poisoning in Hpurso Township during the State Hluttaw session on March 31.

The Kayah State Ministry of Planning and Finance U Maw Maw replied that committees have been formed in respective townships in the state to settle issues between employers and workers and issues between the employers and workers can be reported to these committees.

“I think there should be contracts between the employers and workers so that both sides won’t suffer. There’s nothing now so it’s neither the employers or workers’ faults [if an issue arises]. The government has the responsibility to prevent it from happening again,” said Hluttaw MP U Thae Reh.

Eleven Hpruso residents have died from lead poisoning within two years after working at the lead mine and three residents are currently seeking medical treatment.

Owners of lead mining holes have provided Ks 2.5 million kyats for the social welfare of the miners that have been affected by lead poisoning.

According to U Thae Reh, lead poisoning has been reported in other townships besides Hpruso Township.

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