NMSP, KNU military leaders to launch joint explanation meetings to reduce conflict

NMSP, KNU military leaders to launch joint explanation meetings to reduce conflict

The military leaders of the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and the Karen National Union (KNU) will launch joint explanation meetings in respective areas to reduce the conflict between the lower-level troops from both sides, according to the NMSP Dawei District’s chair Nai Nyan Tun.

“During today’s meeting, we searched for solutions to end the conflict between the two sides. There is a plan soon for the military leaders from both groups to cooperate and travel to respective areas and hold joint clarifications,” said Nai Nyan Tun.

A delegation led by the KNU Doopalaya District’s chair Padoh Saw Shwe Maung and a delegation led by the NMSP Dawei District’s chair Nai Nyan Tun met at the NMSP liaison office in Payathonzu yesterday (March 13) afternoon.

“The delegations from both sides didn’t set down any decisions. [The KNU] Brigade 6 came to meet [with the NMSP delegation] to submit the NMSP’s presentation to the KNU Central. The Brigade 6 said it would be better if the KNU and the NMSP can continue to meet on the central level,” said Nai Nyan Tun.

During the meeting, the NMSP transferred one M-79 grenade launcher, one AK-47 rifle, and one timber porter, which were seized and detained by the NMSP, to the KNU Brigade 6.

“There are issues that must be carried out together through negotiation. It would be impossible to have unity if each side claims that he is right without any negotiation. Negotiation is central in finding the solution to an issue,” said Lt-Col Saw Shwe Win, commander of the KNU Battalion 16.

The Mon National Liberation Army (MNLA) Battalion 5’s commander Lt-Col M Sike Chan said the NMSP clashed with the KNU’s lower-level troops on March 4 and March 9 after the arms were seized during a clash on February 24. However, the clash on March 5 was not with the NMSP and it is believed to be a clash between the KNU and a Mon armed group, which has surrendered their arms.

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