The Phlone-Sguaw Democratic Party (PSDP), the representative party in Karen State, has registered 10,000 members after....
The Phlone-Sguaw Democratic Party (PSDP), the representative party in Karen State, has registered 10,000 members after it campaigned for membership in the last two months.
“The number of party members meets the Union Election Commission’s requirement that every political party must have 1,000 members. The Karen party has over 10,000 members, especially in Hpa-an and seven other townships in Karen state," Saw Khin Maung Myint, chairman of PSDP, said.
The PSDP is campaigning in Hpa-an, Kawkreaik, Hlaing Bwe, Kyarinseikyi, Myawaddy, and Phar Pun Township and has been hugely successful. Locals support the Karen political party. The Karen party is going for another lobbying trip to Than Toung Township, he added.
“Currently, at least, 70 per cent of locals strongly support us. They participate with us because the party is formed for the interest of Karen nationals and Karen State,” he added.
PSDP party has nine CEC members. They are: Saw Khin Maung Myint on a temporary chairman’s position, the vice-chairman is Saw Aung Kyaw Naing, the general secretary is Saw Kyi Lin, the joint-secretary (1) is Saw Tin Hlaing, and the joint-secretary (2) is Saw Shar Htun Phoung. Sabi Kyin Oo is the chairman of the youth wing. Daw Nan Say Aur is women’s chairmen. Saw Mya Tun and Saw Khin Kyaw Oo are members.
The PSDP’s head office is near the Moe Kae monastery, Htone Ai Street, quarter 7, Hpa-an Township. It registered as a political party with the Union Election Commission in Nay Pyi Daw on May 27 and was approved on June 4 but the party has no signboard till now.
However, PSDP has been mobilizing Karen locals as party members in Karen State since June but Karen People’s Party (KPP) based in Yangon is not getting support from Karen people who live in Yangon. Moreover, these Yangon Karens are disappointed with the speech of KPP leaders, according to locals.
“The PSDP is led by ordinary staff members of the Burmese government but the Karen party is formed on the basis of interests of locals. That's why the party gets huge supports from locals. Leaders of KPP and United Karen League (UKL) are retired military officials who are influenced by the military regime. So, locals don't believe them,” a retired school teacher from quarter 4, Hpa-an said.
Currently, the PSDP, the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), National Unity Party (NUP), All Mon Regions Democracy Party (AMRDP) have started election campaign in Karen State. According to a regime newspaper, Karen State Democracy and Development party submitted its registration as a political party to the Union Election Commission on August 12.
The PSDP, KPP, and UKL, the three registered Karen political parties, are recruiting party members and will contest from their respective areas in the 2010 election on November 7.
According to its party structure, PSDP in Karen State will expand to Mon State, Taninsaryee division, Pegu division, Yangon division and Irrawaddy division.