The Chin National Front (CNF) held a public consultation at the COTR Church in Kalaymyo, Sagaing Region on January 13 to bring the Chin public’s view to the third session of the 21st Century Panglong Conference.
“We will bring the public view obtained from public consultations to the upcoming Panglong Conference. We have discussed under four sections. We will collect [the public’s view] on these four sections of politic, economic, social, and environment and natural resources,” said Pu Chan Lian, chair of the CNF’s Regional Committee.
All Chin tribes were invited to the public consultation in Kalaymyo and around 150 people attended it.
The CNF held public consultations in Hakha, Pyay, Tiddim, Falam, Matupi, and Htantlang. The authorities banned the CNF from holding public consultations in Mindat, Kanpatlat, and Paletwa, but it has been allowed to hold the public consultation in Mindat now.