Karen people inside Burma and in exile have come out in support of the DKBA Brigade (5) commander Major....
Karen people inside Burma and in exile have come out in support of the DKBA Brigade (5) commander Major Saw Lar Pwe’s decision rejecting transformation to BGF because it is a correct decision, they said.
However, DKBA commander-in-chief Kyaw Than and high ranking junta officials have been forcing Col. Saw Lar Pwe to transform into BGF but he has not changed his mind and is still with the people.
“If DKBA transforms to BGF, they will become a part of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC). They will not be able to do anything for their people. There is no problem among Karen nationals about his decision,” a local from the Kawkareik Township said.
Naw Saree, from Norway said “I totally support them because if they transform to BGF, the SPDC will force them to fight each other. The international community will also look down on them and they will face criticism from Karen people”.
On July 21, Col. Saw Lar Pwe held a meeting with locals from the Wal Lay Gwin village and explained his decision and they agreed with him.
After the news of DKBA Brigade (5) commander Major Saw Lar Pwe rejecting the BGF spread, Mam Robert Zan, a former colleague of his in KNLA, sent a letter to him.
The letter said, “You have done a good job and shown great spirit. Your action has showed what our leader Saw Ba Oo Kyi had said about Karen arms being in the hands of Karen people. Our Karen people will never give up the fight against injustice, and we won't bow our heads."
“Love from the SPDC fascists is just like we hating each other; it is time to be united. If there are gunfights between you and the enemy, we are with you,” he added.
Mam Robert Zan is the son of KNU former president Mam Ba Zan and former commander of Brigade (19) of KNLA. He lives in the USA.
“I am pleased with the DKBA Brigade 5 because all Karen people welcomed their decision,” a high ranking officer of DKBA said.
“As a representative of the Kalo Htoo Baw brigade, I feel very happy to know that people have welcomed the decision. We will try our best to be a good army for our people,” he added.
On July 17, DKBA commander-in-chief Kyaw Than came to Col. Saw Lar Pwe's military camp in Waw Lay Gwin, Kawkareik Township. He tried to persuade him to transform to BGF but failed. On July 22, Col. Saw Lar Pwe rejected discussions about the BGF with the junta in Mying Gyi Nguu.
On July 25, over 900 Karen from four villages, who lived near Waw La Gwin area about 120 kilometer from Phot Phara Township, near Maesot, fled to Thailand because of tension escalating between DKBA Brigade (5) and the Burmese Army. On July 26, the Thai Army sent them back.
Commanders from KNLA Brigade 6 have said that if there is a battle between the Burmese Army and DKBA Brigade (5), the KNLA Brigade (6) is ready to help DKBA Brigade 5 and allow them a base in the KNU area.
Under the DKBA Brigade (5), led by Col Saw Lar Pwe, there are Kalo Htoo Baw strategic command 1 and 5 regiments with over 1,200 troops, based in Myawaddy and Kyar Inn Seik Kyi Township in Karen State.
Brigadier Gen. Than Soe, commander of MOC 8 based in Kyar Inn Seik Gyi township, Karen state, told Col. Saw Lar Pwe to transform into BGF by 10 August. If Col. Saw Lar Pwe fails, his brigade would be declared illegal by the military regime. Chairman Saw Thar Htoo and DKBA soldiers, who have agreed to transform to BGF, will wear BGF badges on their uniform in August, a source close to DKBA said.
Col. Saw Lar Pwe does not want to transform into BGF and he wants to stay as DKBA. He is averse to surrendering weapons to the junta because weapons and equipments were bought with public funds, high ranking officials from DKBA Brigade (5) said.
It's time to reunite DKBA’s Brigade 5 and KNU, a Karen Buddhist monk from Kyar Inn Seik Kyi Township said. "Rejection of transformation into BGF by Col. Nauk Kham Mwe is the right decision. We, the monks, have given Dhamma talks in public for re-joining. It's time to reunite and work together,” he added.
The Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) split from KNU in 1994 led by Myine Kyi Nguu Sa yar Daw, abbot U Thu Zana, and signed a ceasefire agreement with the military regime. Currently DKBA has over 4,000 troops.
In a BGF battalion, one regiment will have 326 soldiers; 30 officers and other ranks will come from the Burmese Army and assume important positions; high ranking officers will be fixed at Major ranks; commanders over 50 years of age and other ranks will have to retire and will get 3,000 kyat per month as pension.
If ceasefire groups transform to BGF, they have to take off their uniform and have to wear the uniform with the badge of the Burmese Army. They have to follow the orders of the commander-in-chief of the Burmese Army. Most Karen people don't want DKBA to be under the Burmese Army.