The junta orders census in more KIO controlled areas

The junta orders census in more KIO controlled areas
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Kachin News Group
Since early this month the Burmese ruling junta's has ordered census in more controlled areas of Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) in Kachin State, Northern Burma, KIO sources said.
Since early this month the Burmese ruling junta's has ordered census in more controlled areas of Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) in Kachin State, Northern Burma, KIO sources said.
On March 16 a group of multi-government personnel arrived in the Nbapa Headquarters of the 1st Battalion of Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in Bhamo district near the Sino-Burma border, said KIA officers in Nbapa Headquarters.
"The group is collecting the list of people who are eligible to vote and has entered Nbapa of the 1st KIA battalion controlled area, a KIA officer told KNG today.
The group comprises multi-government personnel in the junta controlled area of Manje (Mansi) Township near Nbapa. They include U Maung Maung Than head of Military Affairs Security Unit (Sa-Ya-Pha), U Thein Min Thwe, officer under the Sa-Ya-Hpa, U Aung Min Thwe of the Deputy Immigration Office, U Naw Ja, office staff of Immigration Office, U Ne Lin Aung, vice in-charge of police station, U Lwe Soe accountant No. (1) of the Township Administrative Office (Ma-Ya-Ka) and school teacher volunteers, KIA sources in Nbapa added.
Early this month, a group of Manje Immigration officers and volunteers went to the villages under the 1st KIA controlled areas of Dumbuk, Daidaw, Man Hkaw, Sut Ngai, Mung Hking, Dingsing and other villages, and they collected all villagers' names, said villagers.
All the villagers in these villages were also promised by the group that they will be temporarily issued the MSI document which is to identify the people in Manje Township, villagers in the KIA 1st Battalion Headquarters said.
Another group of junta's immigration officers from Waingmaw Township arrived in Laiza, the KIO Headquarters on the Sino-Burma border last Saturday for the purpose of accepting new White Card applications, the special temporary National Registration Card (NRC) for civilians in the Kachin ceasefire group's controlled areas, KIO immigration officers in Laiza said.
According to KIO, immigration officers, Ko Tet Shwe Oo and Saya Aung Pyu of Waingmaw Immigration Office are accepting new applications in the public hall, Myulawt Wunli Lu Gawknu but no one has applied until now.
In Laiza Headquarters, the junta has already accepted 43 applications for White Cards and identified about 800 people as the voters for the referendum in May, according to sources in the Laiza KIO immigration office.
The KIO/KIA officially issued an announcement early this month that all civilians who do not have NRCs in its controlled areas in both Kachin State and Northeast Shan State have been advised to apply for the NRCs, KIO/KIA sources said.
All new NRC applicants in the KIO/KIA and all Kachin ceasefire groups are automatically put in the voters list in for the country wide referendum on the new constitution in May, the KIO/KIA, NDA-K and the junta's immigration officers said.
However, the KIO leaders said that the members of KIO and KIA are not enrolling in the current state wide census and voters list in Kachin State, said KIO leaders.