Tacheleik residents told to call back family members from abroad

Tacheleik residents told to call back family members from abroad
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Kachin News Group
Tacheleik residents are under pressure from the Burmese military junta to recall their relatives living abroad and get, they enrolled in the family list so that they can cast their vote during the ensuing referendum, a source said.
Tacheleik residents are under pressure from the Burmese military junta to recall their relatives living abroad and get, they enrolled in the family list so that they can cast their vote during the ensuing referendum, a source said.
A resident in Tacheleik Township alleged that the junta is forcing them to call back their family members for just supporting the referendum. A migrant in a foreign country has also claimed that he is being called back by his family in Tacheleik.
"We are really disappointed with our family in Burma calling us back to support the referendum. It's not possible to go back so easily because even the travelling cost back to Burma is not cheap," said a migrant in Thailand who is being called by his family in Tacheleik.
"We understand our families are under pressure to call us back by the authorities but how can we go back so easily. Our family members have also migrated to other far off countries like the United States," she added.
The Burmese military junta has been collecting the list of people for support to the referendum across the country and it has even made temporary identity cards for people to support the referendum.
The Burmese military regime has scheduled a referendum on the draft constitution in May and a general election will be in accordance with the new constitution in 2010.