Computer shops investigated for Rambo CDs

Computer shops investigated for Rambo CDs
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Burmese Military Security Force (known as Sa Ya Pha) and Police are investigating computer shops in Mon State to root out copied compact discs of the Rambo movie the screenplay of which is based on Burma (Myanmar ).
Burmese Military Security Force (known as Sa Ya Pha) and Police are investigating computer shops in Mon State to root out copied compact discs of the Rambo movie the screenplay of which is based on Burma (Myanmar ).
According to a computer shop owner in Moulmein the capital of Mon state, the Rambo movie is based on Karenni refugees and relief in Burma . The authorities do not want the residents to watch it because the junta is shown in the film in a poor light. That's the reason they (Military Security Force and Police) have been inspecting computer shops.
 "After the Rambo movie was released the authorities are afraid of it being copied into CDs," a computer shop owner said.
One person was arrested with a Rambo CD by authorities in Thaton Township , said an IMNA source who came back from the township. The source was not sure where the authorities had detained him.
After they (authorities) seized a Rambo CD in Thaton Township , they started investigating in Moulmein District, a computer shop owner said. Most people in Mon State are keen to watch the Rambo movie because it is on Burma .
 "All compact discs including music CDs were seized by authorities. They have not given them back yet," he added.
The IMNA source said that residents in Moulmein district including Moulmein , Mudon, Thanphyuzayart, and Ye are keen to see the movie.