Chin people disinterested in 2010 Union Day

Chin people disinterested in 2010 Union Day
People in Chin state, western Burma are disinterested in the 64th Union Day to be held on 12 February 2010...

People in Chin state, western Burma are disinterested in the 64th Union Day to be held on 12 February 2010 in Burma.

“Since we cannot accept Myanmar in its present system of governance, we are not interested in attending the 64th anniversary of Union Day. We are neither in the union nor are united. Only one group is ruling the state,” said a local in Falam town.

The military junta holds the Union Day by sending representatives from each state and divisions in Burma to Yangoon every year, but this time the Union Day function will be held in Naypyitaw.

“The higher authorities had ordered all representatives to reach Naypyitaw by 6 February 2010,” said one of the representatives in Chin state.

A local in Tidim town told to Khonumthung News that all the representatives from each township in Chin state are assembling in Hakha town and they will depart for Naypyitaw by bus.

“We used to observe Union Day for many years, but it is only a waste of money. It’s not the real Union Day. It is lying to the people of the state,” he added.

Meanwhile, a class X student who is one of the representatives said, “We learnt traditional dance every night and had no time to study. We don’t want to participate in this function, but we cannot refuse as it is an order. We are very worried about our examination which is near at hand.”