20 refugees of Leda camp sent to Cox’s Bazaar jail

20 refugees of Leda camp sent to Cox’s Bazaar jail
Twenty refugees of Leda unofficial camp were sent to Cox’s Bazaar jail by police of Ukhiya and Teknaf while they were returning to their camp after work on January 23, said a refugee leader from Nayapara camp requesting...

Twenty refugees of Leda unofficial camp were sent to Cox’s Bazaar jail by police of Ukhiya and Teknaf while they were returning to their camp after work on January 23, said a refugee leader from Nayapara camp requesting not to be named.  

Since January, the police and BDR (Bangladesh Rifles) of border areas have increased their arrest of Rohingya people in Bangladesh, especially in border areas and pushed them back to Burma while some have been sent to Cox’s Bazaar jail.

They are arresting Rohingya refugees registered or un-registered refugees from the road. After arrest, some were pushed back to Burma and some were sent to jail.

Some of the refugees of the 20 from Leda camp are identified as Noor Islam (30), son of Abul Baker, Bloc # S, Room # 316 of Nayapara camp and his younger brother Abdu Jalil (25), Md. Hashim(23), son of Md. Yasin, Block F, Room No. 317 and his elder brother Abul Hashim and Ms Banu Hussain(60), daughter of Noor Ahmed.  Some other members’ names are not available, he added.

Of them, Abul Hashim was arrested a month ago by police and his arrest was known by his relatives when they went to Cox’s Bazaar jail to visit arrested refugees.  The others were arrested on January 23, while coming from Teknaf to their Leda camp. But, Ms Banu Hussain was arrested at Balu Khali check-post by police on January 23, while on the way to Leda camp from Cox’s Bazaar jail after visiting her two arrested sons Abul Hashim and Md. Hashim.

According to Ms Banu Hussain, after arrest, she was pushed back to Burma with five other Rohingyas who were also arrested from different areas on the night of January 23 by BDR from Taung Bro border point. They were forcibly pushed to the Taungbro River to cross the Bangladesh-Burma border where the water is till the neck. “We pretended in the river that we were climbing up the river of Burma side while the BDR were waiting about half an hour to observe our activities. When the BDR returned to their camp, we returned to Bangladesh and quickly departed to our destination,” Hussain, said.

She added, the following day, she along with other refugees from Leda camp met some members of NGOs such as Muslim Aid and Islamic Relief and appraised the current situation of the refugees. They said, “We have no right and no power to solve the problem. But, we are able to inform the authorities.”

At present, the registered or un-registered Rohingya refugees are totally banned from   going out from their camps to work to support their family members.  As a result, refugees from un-registered camps such as--- Leda (Tal) and Kutupalong (new camp) are the worst sufferers because  they do not get any support from any quarter. Some of the refugees are starving.  In border areas, some of organizations had been formed to drive the Rohingya people out of Bangladesh. Now, they cooperate with authorities to arrest Rohingya people from border areas. Mostly local people arrest Rohingyas when they meet outside the camp and hand them over to police, said a refugee from the camp.

A woman refugee from Kutupalong un-registered camp said, “I have five family- members. My husband was arrested recently by police while he was going to work and sent to Cox’s Bazaar jail. How can I support my family members?”

Another woman refugee named Sho Mima wife of arrested Nurul Islam from Leda camp said that she has nothing to feed her children. So, I went nearby Mosoni camp to take some food from other refugees to feed my children. For tomorrow, I have no money and no food.”