Thai right groups meet to discuss restrictions on Mon workers

Thai right groups meet to discuss restrictions on Mon workers
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Mon migrant workers being banned from celebrating Mon National Day (MND) on February 3 has become a contentious issue. The Thai Human Rights Commissioner, the Lawyers Council and NGOs will hold a meeting on February 11 to discuss the recent ban. Hundreds of thousands of Mon workers were prevented from celebrating MND in Mahachai Township , Samutsakorn district.

Mon migrant workers being banned from celebrating Mon National Day (MND) on February 3 has become a contentious issue. The Thai Human Rights Commissioner, the Lawyers Council and NGOs will hold a meeting on February 11 to discuss the recent ban. Hundreds of thousands of Mon workers were prevented from celebrating MND in Mahachai Township , Samutsakorn district.
About hundred Thai policemen blocked entries to the area where Thai-Mons celebrated MND.
According to the chairman of a Mon youth organization based in Bangkok , police threatened to arrest people and demanded money "We are very sad for the workers. Even those who have work permits had to pay 2000 baht".
The rights groups felt that the treatment meted out to workers on MND is an instance of the police high handedness to threaten people. According to the chairman, the meeting will talk about the rights of Mon workers.
February 3 was the first time that Thai policemen have targeted Mon people attempting to celebrate their National Day in Thailand . "We don't know what the new Thai governor's policy towards the Mon people will be," the chairman said. "But we feel this is a threat to our way of life."
Since the new Thai governor took over in Samutsakorn district, the movement of Thai-Mon and Mon workers has been restricted, said the chairman of Mon Unity League (MUL). The governor also ordered Mon workers not to wear traditional Mon dresses, or involve themselves in Mon national issues.
The Thai newspaper Khao Sod recently published a story about a Mon political group basing itself in Thailand . The group, which is working to create a Mon state independent from Burma , has been targeted ted by the police ever since.
"The celebration was held to donate food to the monks and to commemorate the leaders of Mon and showcase Mon culture and dancing. We don't talk about politics," the MUL chairman said.