One killed, two injured in landmine explosion

One killed, two injured in landmine explosion
by -
Nan Htoo San
A villager was killed and two people were injured when a landmine exploded under a passing vehicle in Taung Oo on December 3. The Burmese Army has been requisitioning vehicles in the region ...

A villager was killed and two people were injured when a landmine exploded under a passing vehicle in Taung Oo on December 3. The Burmese Army has been requisitioning vehicles in the region for transporting the army's rations since early this month.

On December 3, MOC 5 commander Col. Khin Maung Hsint summoned vehicle owners in Baw Gali and Ray Thogyi village. He ordered them to transport the army's rations from Baw Gali to Maung Taigyi camp. When the convoy of vehicles reached between Ray Thogyi and Khu Laugun a gun battle ensued between the KNLA and the Burmese Army. During the skirmish, a vehicle hit a landmine.  The explosion killed a villager and two others were injured, a Taung Oo local said.

"On that day, eight vehicles were requisitioned for transportation of rations. The gun fight occurred even as the convoy was travelling. Naw Cherry's vehicle was totally damaged in the explosion. One person was killed on the spot. The driver and another villager were injured," a Taung Oo local Saw El War told KIC.

The Burmese Army requisitioned six vehicles from Baw Gali and Ray Thogyi village again on December 4 for transporting rations to Muang Tai camp. When the convoy was moving, a vehicle fell into a ravine. The vehicle was damaged and the driver injured.

Battalions under the MOC 5, based in Taung Oo region, have been summoning villagers, and requisitioning vehicles and motorcycles to transport rations to military camps since late November.

According to locals, Burmese Army escorted convoys and KNLA get involved in gun fights almost every day in the area. As such locals are injured and killed in the armed conflicts.

On 3 December, the Burmese Army and KNLA had a skirmish between New Than Taung town (13 miles) and Shwe Nyaung Pin for 15 minutes. Two soldiers of the Burmese Army were killed.

Similarly, battalions under MOC 5 and KNLA engaged in a gun battle on November 26. Following the clash, village headman Saw Kyaw Laung, Saw Mya Soe's family and Saw Muu Hpaw, Saw Mwee Hpaw from Ray Tholay area were brought to the Baw Gali camp, the MOC headquarters. There is no news about them since then,  said a KNU statement released on December 5.