Censor board bans Awpikye's cartoons

Censor board bans Awpikye's cartoons
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Mizzima News
Cartoonists are persona non grata in military ruled Burma. The country's censorship board has once again banned caricatures of famous cartoonist Awpikye, after the artist joined a group of Burmese celebrities in offering 'Swan' (food) to monks leading the protest last month.
Mizzima News
October 12, 2007
Cartoonists are persona non grata in military ruled Burma. The country's censorship board has once again banned caricatures of famous cartoonist Awpikye, after the artist joined a group of Burmese celebrities in offering 'Swan' (food) to monks leading the protest last month.
"Journal publishers told us that the censorship board has banned cartoons drawn under his pen-name," Awpikye's wife told Mizzima.
As is normal, the Burma's Press Scrutiny and Registration Board, under the Ministry of Information, has not provided any reason for banning Awpikye's caricatures.
Burmese literary circles believe that Awpikye's work has been banned because of his involvement in the Swan offering by veteran politician U Win Naing to protesting monks at Shwe Dagon pagoda in September. A few celebrities, including actor and critic Zarganar, who joined the Swan offering, have been arrested.
The Burmese censorship board has long been in the habit of randomly banning writers and artists, who are known to be critical of the authorities and Awpikye is no exception to the board's scissors
"He has been banned several times by the board and he is not surprised. Even when he is permitted, the board will find faults in his caricatures and not allow it to be published," his wife added.
Awpikye, a veteran cartoonist, has been publishing cartoons and caricatures in magazines for over two decades