Burmese Censorship Board restricts publications on ad front

Burmese Censorship Board restricts publications on ad front
by -
Banyol Kin
The Burmese Censorship Board called a meeting on July 30 to lay down new rules for carrying advertisements by publications, according to sources in a domestic journal.

Source: IMNA 

The Burmese Censorship Board called a meeting on July 30 to lay down new rules for carrying advertisements by publications, according to sources in a domestic journal.

"If something happens in the journals, which flouts the rule, it would be held responsible and they will stop the publication," the editor of a journal said.

IMNA called up the Censorship Board today but they said they were not authorized to speak to the Press.

The new rule follows the hidden advertisement last week in The Myanmar Times, which read backwards said "Killer Than Shwe".

There are 26 facts and three pages of paper sheets regarding the new advertisement rule. Permission from ministries is to be sought if it is connected to any Ministry and the advertisement has to be send by hand delivery and not by fax or email.  

The publications have to warn people about the advertising rule but not mention that it a censorship board rule, a journalist from Rangoon said.

"We might have a problem getting advertisements and all the publications will face big problems in regard to advertisements. I think this is bad news for business people, newspapers, and marketing of magazines" he added.