CNA’s awareness programme to do away with child soldiers

CNA’s awareness programme to do away with child soldiers
The Chin National Army (CNA) has conducted a human rights awareness programme to discourage use of child soldiers in its armed wing. The programme was held from 14 to 18 September somewhere on the Indo-Myanmar border area...

The Chin National Army (CNA) has conducted a human rights awareness programme to discourage use of child soldiers in its armed wing. The programme was held from 14 to 18 September somewhere on the Indo-Myanmar border area.

A source said that the awareness seminar was organized and conducted by CNA and the Thailand based Human Rights Education Department (Burma). The seminar participants were senior commanders of CNA and 20 second-commanders-in-chief.

A faculty, Mr Ko Htwe said that the participants were very keen to know about every  aspect of the use of child soldiers in Burma and other parts of the world. The main topic dealt with human rights and how to prevent use of child soldiers and its unwanted consequences.

“The CNA commanders told me that they have to mull carefully while recruiting soldiers in their armed wing. Especially they have to inquire and decide whether a person is old enough to serve as a soldier,” he added.

At the same time a northern commander of the CNA, Major Biakling also said that the educational awareness programme is very important for us and we have to do more than what we usually do. We have to find out more details about human rights.

He added that most of the Chin people do not understand their rights as they have no chance to get such information in Burma. So we have to  go in for more awareness programmes on human rights among our people.

According to report of the UNO there are child soldiers not only in the Burmese Army but also in different ethic armed groups. However, the Chin National Army has issued a statement early this year saying that they have no child soldiers in their armed group.