Htoe Myar — The country will become developed after the National League for Democracy (NLD) takes power suggests respected journalist and writer U Kyaw Yin Myint.
“As the NLD has won, I believe the country will shift to a developed state. I believe that the ethnic areas will become better as they have the duty to develop the whole country. The NLD has an advantage in federal issues so I believe self-rule of the ethnic people will become more developed than it was under the previous military government,” said the Yangon based U Kyaw Yin Myint.
U Kyaw Yin Myint says he thinks the winning NLD candidates are working to change the country’s image with discipline.
“The important thing is for the influential leader to lead with a good heart and mind, just like in the Chinese proverb, the tail can do great if the big dragon starts moving his head,” he said.
In the past, permits were granted to special privileged people, but U Kyaw Yin Myint believes the economy will change with the lifting of international sanctions and foreign assistance being provided.
“The international [community] wants Burma to become a model for a peaceful transition to democracy from military dictatorship. I have learned that they wish to provide assistance for [the country] to become more developed and prevent it from losing this model. So, I expect development in the economic sector,” he continued.
Ko Tu Reh, a spokesperson with the Karenni State Farmers’ Union also views the NLD's garbage cleanup drive as an important effort.
“I don’t see Daw Suu’s action as being wrong. I don’t see this as a political ploy because I want our country to be clean just like other countries. I feel a little delighted that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is working from the bottom. She wasn’t giving them [the candidates] posistions. She was giving them a duty. I see this as a lesson given by Daw Su for them to be able to differentiate between position and duty,” he said.
He added that believes that politics will become better after the NLD has won.
According to him, some of the elected candidates are unqualified but they can become very good representatives if they improve.
“Some candidates did peanut trading and were not interested in politics. There are also candidates who have never seen the Constitution book before. They don’t know whether the book is green, white, or red. When Daw Suu told them to study, they went around searching for the Constitution book and borrowing them. So, they need to clearly know that politics is different from peanut trading. Only when they are serious about politics will the public become serious,” Ko Tu Reh said.
The Kayah Unity Democracy Party (KUDP)’s chairman, U Saw Daniel, says he is cautiously optimistic about the NLD victory but was concerned about the calibre of the winning NLD candidates.
“Many of their ideologies and habits need to change. That’s why we understand how difficult it is for the NLD. We sympathize with them,” he said. U Saw Daniel believes that many candidates won not because of their qualifications but because they were running from the NLD.
“The public voted for the NLD not because everyone likes Daw Aung San Suu Kyi but because they want a change. The candidates need to know that,” he said.
Writer U Kyaw Yin Myint advised the candidates to work hard for Karenni State so they will continue to receive public support for the 2020 Election. He also called on candidates to develop their qualifications because many candidates still have inadequate qualifications and the country will only become developed when it is built by qualified candidates.
He warned that the candidates would not get another chance if they fail to work for the benefit of the Karenni State.