Junta Stations Five More Artillery Battalions in Arakan

Junta Stations Five More Artillery Battalions in Arakan
The Burmese military junta has established five artillery battalions in Arakan State in 2009, said a source close to the military in Arakan. The five artillery battalions now stationed in Arakan are battalion 374 ...

Sittwe: The Burmese military junta has established five artillery battalions in Arakan State in 2009, said a source close to the military in Arakan.

The five artillery battalions now stationed in Arakan are battalion 374 stationed in Ann Town, 373 stationed in Sittwe, 377 stationed in Kyauktaw, 378 stationed in Buthidaung, and 375 stationed in Taungup.

The military has deployed over 50 light and light infantry battalions in Arakan State since 1988 but prior to 2009 there were no artillery battalions in the state.

Before 1988 there were only three battalions in Arakan, Light Battalion 20 based in Sittwe, LB 34 in Kyaukpru, and LB 55 in Thandwe.

The military junta established the five new artillery battalions in Arakan after a maritime boundary dispute with Bangladesh.

An analyst said that the relationship between Bangladesh and Burma has been improving somewhat after the boundary dispute was solved diplomatically, but the junta wants to continue to strengthen its military force in western Burma.

The maritime boundary issue has not been completely overcome, even though the dispute triggered by oil exploration is being addressed.

The Burmese military junta is also constructing a road between Buthidaung on the western border and Kyauktaw in central Arakan, to connect with the Sittwe - Rangoon highway, a project which the analyst speculates is for military purposes rather than public use.