Union-level Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC-U) Chairman Lt. Gen. Yar Pyae urged NCA signatory ethnic armed organizations not to have engagements among them because the 21st Panglong Conference was drawing close.
Lt. Gen. Yar Pyae said, “If they have suspicions among them, they should be settled amicably at the grassroots level and if they cannot settle at this lower level, there should be direct negotiation between them. In this way, there will be no problems which cannot be settled.”
He was speaking at the opening address of the 10th regular meeting of Union-level Joint Monitoring Committee which was held on May 3 at National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC) in Shweli Road, Yangon.
“I’d like to urge our JMC members to see this as a priority during this period,” he said.
He added that face-to-face negotiations could resolve suspicions among NCA signatories.