SPDC prepares military training program for civilians

SPDC prepares military training program for civilians
The State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) authorities have been preparing a military training programme for civilians of Matupi Township, in Chin State, western Burma...

The State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) authorities have been preparing a military training programme for civilians of Matupi Township, in Chin State, western Burma.

According to a report, nine villages near the Lensin-based military camp, Matupi Township, were supposed to undergo military training from August 7, by the order of Mr. Zaw Myint Oo, Second Chief Tactical General of Chin State, northwestern Burma. The list of participants has been prepared.

Military personnel under the Matupi-based IB 304 camp have taken photographs and bio-data of 70 people from the nine villages for the training, which means each village, has at least eight participants, who will undergo the training.

Although it is uncertain when the training will actually begin, the army personnel have prepared everything in order to start when the time comes.

“The authorities have ordered each village to send at least eight trainees and they have to get ready before the training starts. So the military personnel have collected all data relating to the participants,” a local from Lensin village said.

The nine villages in the area of the Lensin-based military camp are Valangpi, Kala, Valangte, Thibuai, Lesin, Wankai, San ta, Lalui and Tadom.