Four ethnic ceasefire groups to take on junta in event of war

Four ethnic ceasefire groups to take on junta in event of war
Four ethnic ceasefire groups in Burma’s north have got together and decided to retaliate against the ruling junta, if it starts any offensive against any member of the alliance, said local sources...

Four ethnic ceasefire groups in Burma’s north have got together and decided to retaliate against the ruling junta, if it starts any offensive against any member of the alliance, said local sources.

The groups in the military alliance are the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) based in Kachin State and Northeast Shan State, Mongla-based National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (NDAA-ESS), Kokang ceasefire group and United Wa State Army (UWSA), said KIO sources.

KIO officials in Laiza headquarters on the Sino-Burma border said, the groups in the military alliance have decided to wage against the Burmese Army in their territories if the latter launches an offensive against any group in the alliance.

As tension builds up, an increasing number of Burmese troops are being deployed around the KIO headquarters in Laiza and the controlled areas of the other three groups--- UWSA, NDAA-ESS and Kokang ceasefire group, said Sino-Burma border sources.

Maj-Gen Soe Win, the junta's negotiator with the KIO and Commander of the junta's Northern Regional Command based in Kachin State's capital Myitkyina visited Laiza on July 31. He tried to ensure that the ceasefire continues and the problems between the two sides are resolved through discussions in the coming days, said KIO officials in Laiza.

Sources in the military-wing of KIO, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) said, KIA soldiers are patrolling the frontlines where the Burmese troops are active in Kachin State and northeast Shan Sate.

On the other hand, Thai authorities are checking their nationals in villages on the Thai-Burma, connecting the UWSA's territories because the UWSA is going ahead and preparing for war with the ruling junta, said residents on the Thai-Burma border.

The junta's No. 2 strongman, Vice-Senior-General Maung Aye had informed to the Chinese government during his China visit in June 15 to 20 that the junta is going to wage war on ethnic ceasefire groups along the two countries' border, said Sino-Burma border sources.

Till now, the Chinese government has not mounted pressure on the ethnic armed groups along the border to accept the Burmese Army-controlled Border Guard Force (BGF), said sources close to ethnic armed groups.