Nasaka claims Rohingya people have no right to buy from Natala villagers

Nasaka claims Rohingya people have no right to buy from Natala villagers
The Nasaka has said that the Rohingya community has no right to buy any goods from Natala villagers, while they have arrested a Rohingya man, who bought two tyres from a Natala villager, according to a source from Maungdaw...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: The Nasaka has said that the Rohingya community has no right to buy any goods from Natala villagers, while they have arrested a Rohingya man, who bought two tyres from a Natala villager, according to a source from Maungdaw.

On July 29, a Rohingya man bought two tyres of a tractor from a Natala villager near his village, at a cost of Kyat 100,000 to use in the paddy field during the monsoon season.

The Rohingya man was identified as Hussain Ahmed (35), son of Gulam Nabi. He hailed from Maungnama Village of Maungdaw Township.

Acting on information, a section of Nasaka personnel from the out-post of Maungnama Nasaka camp went to his house and arrested him alleging that he had bought tyres from a Natala villager. They took away four tyres from his house, including two which he had bought earlier.

After his arrest, he was taken to the Nasaka camp and tortured by the Nasaka personnel. In the camp, the Nasaka said that the Rohingya community had no right to buy any goods from Natala villagers.

However, Hussain Ahmed was released after paying a bribe of Kyat 170,000 to the Nasaka personnel. But, the four seized tyres were not returned, a villager from his locality said.