Chairman of Chin State bars foreign aid

Chairman of Chin State bars foreign aid
In the first week of July 2009, the Chairman of the Chin State Peace and Development Council issued an order to all Township Peace and Development Councils of Chin State, forbidding them to receive any foreign assistance ...

In the first week of July 2009, the Chairman of the Chin State Peace and Development Council issued an order to all Township Peace and Development Councils of Chin State, forbidding them to receive any foreign assistance, a local from Falam Town of Chin State told Khonumthung News recently.
Tactical Commander (No1) cum Chairman of Chin State Peace and Development Council Col. Hung Ngai issued the order asking people not to receive any foreign assistance or relief for the public through the Chairmen of TPDC.
He added, "The order said that those who receive foreign assistance are the ones, who oppose the government and the details of names, addresses of the receivers shall be scrutinized and informed to the office."
It has been learnt that the Chin people have been suffering from shortage of food due to Mautam Famine and people in the region are worried the order will stop all assistance, as they survive on foreign aid.
"We are totally dependent on foreign aid. We cannot understand the current order, which has been issued. Under the circumstances, if we do not get aid, we have nothing to eat. If they stop the foreign aid we shall not survive," said a local from Hmunpikawn Village of Falam Township.
Similarly, a local from Tonzang Township also said, "We cannot die of starvation; we have to receive the assistance continuously."
The Chin people have been suffering from Bamboo Famine since 2006 and they are surviving with foreign assistance, which they receive from across the border.
The bamboo famine happens once in 50 years and lasts for 5 years, according to precedent and scarcity of food in Chin State is a widespread phenomenon in the region.