A Chin youth group will teach displaced women how to make soap at Camp Victoria, the headquarters of the Chin National Front (CNF) in Thantlang Township, from 18 to 19 January 2016.
Mai Tha Sung, one of the trainers, said: "We'll teach women who have been the victims of the natural disaster in Hakha all that we know about how to make soaps [to clean] the face, clothes and utensils, later we will train housewives at Camp Victoria. We need Empire Chemical liquid, which is one of the raw ingredients, but we can order it from Mandalay or Yangon.
An agreement to carry out the training was reached between the commander of Camp Victoria and Salai Jacob Thang, the chairman of the Chin Youth Group.
The Chin Youth Group were taught how to make the soap on 24 November at a training session organised by the Gaia Sustainable Management Group who want them to pass the skill onto women who have been the victims of natural disasters and now live in camps. This will enable them to make soap for their household needs and possibly start soap making businesses in the future.
One of the trainers said that the soaps are made with natural fruits and leaves and that they demonstrate the value of natural products to the public and play a vital role in nature conservation.
Edited in English by Mark Inkey for BNI