A camp for people displaced by flooding and landslides in Hakha, the Chin State capital, being built on the Ramlung playground near Carson Church has not yet been completed.
Construction of the camp, which is being built on one of the few large flat areas in Hakha, began in the second week of August. A construction foreman said: "We have finished 50 percent of the construction and now we are working on the toilets, dining rooms, water pipes and electrical fittings. It is hard to say when it will all be finished."
The camp will have 40 buildings divided into 320 rooms. It will replace the temporary camps at High School Number two, at Carson Church and the Bethel Camp which is in downtown Hakha. At present there are 1,000 displaced families in Hakha staying in seven camps.
A town elder who is staying at the new Ramlung playground camp said: "This camp cannot accommodate 1,000 families. The main problem will be water in the winter."
Edited in English for BNI by Mark Inkey