Nasaka lending money to villagers for exchange of paddy

Nasaka lending money to villagers for exchange of paddy
Burma’s border security force, Nasaka headquartered in Maungdaw Township has been advancing money to villagers of the township forcibly in exchange for paddy for next year, said a businessman from the locality on condition anonymity...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Burma’s border security force, Nasaka headquartered in Maungdaw Township has been advancing money to villagers of the township forcibly in exchange for paddy for next year, said a businessman from the locality on condition anonymity.
On July 20, the Nasaka started advancing money forcibly to the villagers of Nasaka area No. 3 and 4 of Maungdaw Township. The Nasaka pays Kyat 2,500 per Tin (one Tin= 35 kg) whereas the price of one Tin in the open market is Kyat 5,000. So, the Nasaka benefits Kyat 2,500 from one Tin of rice. It is a lucrative business for Nasaka.
Villagers did not want to take the loan from Nasaka, but they were forced by the Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) Chairmen to take the money. The villagers fear reprisals by Nasaka if they do not obey. The Nasaka had given the money to the Village PDC members to distribute it to the village farmers. The Nasaka will take the paddy next year against the money, said a local youth requesting not to be named.
Earlier, the Nasaka had also given an advance to villagers in exchange of paddy and made a lot of profit in Nasaka areas.
“A villager will take loan from anyone when he or she needs money at the present market rate for paddy. It does not suit villagers to take a loan from Nasaka at half the price compared to the open market rate,” said a local farmer who declined to be named.
The villagers are pressurized and persecuted in many ways to toe the authorities line, said a local village elder.