Prayer services for Suu Kyi's freedom on her 64th birthday

Prayer services for Suu Kyi's freedom on her 64th birthday
Prayer services for the release of Burma's democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi were held on her 64th birthday today in three different places in northern Burma by student activists...

Prayer services for the release of Burma's democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi were held on her 64th birthday today in three different places in northern Burma by student activists.
In the midst of heightened security in the country's northern Kachin State, Christian prayer services were successfully held in the State's capital Myitkyina, Waingmaw town and on the Sino-Burma border, said student organizers.
The prayer services featured three factors --- lasting peace and triumph with God’s blessings on the birthday of Mrs. Suu Kyi; her release and the ouster of the ruling junta which is brutally ruling over civilians and the emergence of a democratic ruler, said Mr. Tu Awng, a student activist in Myitkyina.
Student activist Mr. Tu Awng added, that each prayer service was attended by more than a dozen people including Myitkyina University students, local people and young Baptist preachers. The services were held at a place on the Sino-Burma border between 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., in Waingmaw from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and in Myitkyina from noon to 12:45 p.m. Burma Standard Time.
"I see Mrs. Suu Kyi as our (ethnic Kachins) mother as well as that of the rest of the country given her commitment to the people of Burma.  She needs to be released for democracy to be restored in the country.  We will organize more students' movements till she is freed."
The movements so far have been organized by All Kachin Students' Union (AKSU), an underground Kachin student organization based in Kachin State, said leaders in Myitkyina.
A week ago, AKSU students in a show of defiance sprayed their demand in bold letters in red on the walls of Myitkyina University and Manhkring State High School in Myitkyina for the immediate release of Mrs. Suu Kyi.
AKSU student activist Ms. Seng Mai also told the KNG, they will organize special prayer services and various movements around major cities in Kachin State for Mrs. Suu Kyi until the ruling junta frees her.
Mrs. Suu Kyi is now detained in Insein prison in Rangoon and her trial has been adjourned until June 26 by the court.  The country's pro-democracy leader Suu Kyi has already spent more than 13 years in detention and faces another five years in prison if she is found guilty of flouting her house arrest laws.