Martyr’s Day on Thai-Burma border for Khaing Moe Lin

Martyr’s Day on Thai-Burma border for Khaing Moe Lin
Famous Arakanese revolutionary Khaing Moe Lin was honoured in a function on Thursday on the Thai-Burma border. Khaing Moe Lin Day was held for the revolutionary for sacrificing his life for the freedom of the Arakanese people from the yoke of the Burmese rulers...

Dhaka: Famous Arakanese revolutionary Khaing Moe Lin was honoured in a function on Thursday on the Thai-Burma border. Khaing Moe Lin Day was held for the revolutionary for sacrificing his life for the freedom of the Arakanese people from the yoke of the Burmese rulers. It was the 32nd anniversary of Khaing Moe Lin Day on 4 June, said an Arakan liberation Party (ALP) press release.

The ceremony was organised by ALP on the Thai-Burma border to immortalize him for his great contribution for Arakan. Over 100 people from many political organizations, including NDF, NCGUB, KNU, NLD (LA), ALD (exile), MNLD-LA and RWU based on the Thai-Burma border attended the ceremony. The function started at 9 am on June 4.

Two senior ALP central executive members – Khaing U Maung and Khaing San Tun Aung, presided as president and Ko Ah Naung, a famous Arakanese video director, was the master of ceremonies, at the ceremony.

Khaing San Tun Aung read out the five principles, which were adopted by Khaing Moe Lin, before he died. Those principles were: to establish the Arakan Army for Arakan’s independence; to join hands with all oppressed ethnic revolutionary organizations for Aakan’s independence; that armed struggle was the only way to get Arakan’s independence; Arakan’s independence depended on unity of Arakanese people and that betrayal and surrender to enemies could not be forgiven by Arakanese people.

Many leaders from the different attending organizations also delivered speeches during the ceremony to honour the ALP former President Khaing Moe Lin.

Major Saw Hla Ngwe, joint secretary No 1 from KNU, We KNU and ALA (Arakan Liberation Army) struck an alliance under the supervision of some KNU leaders and Khaing Moe Lin to fight against the Burmese regime. They vowed to fight the military junta continuously together till freedom was achieved.

U Tun Aung Kyaw from NLD-LA said at the ceremony that NLD is continuously fighting the military junta along with ethnic nationalities in Burma for democracy and equal rights. All ethnic nationalities in Burma need to fight to develop the country.

Many leaders vowed during the ceremony to fight the junta together for democracy and equal rights in Burma. The martyr Khaing Moe Lin set up the Arakan Liberation Party and its armed wing the Arakan Liberation Army in the KNU area in 1964 with the help of the KNU. From 1964 to 1966, many Arakanese youths joined the ALA and received arms training from KNU.

In 1966, Khaing Moe Lin started a 2000-mile long march along with 120 freedom fighters from KNU area to Arakan state across many ethnic areas like Shan and Kachin State.

In June 1967, when he reached Chin State, near the India border, with his troops, he fought many battles with the Burmese Army. At least 10 Burmese Army battalions blocked the route and waged war on the ALA. After nearly 100 battles many of his loyalists (comrades) were arrested and fell in the battles. On 4 June 1967, he shot himself with his pistol and became a hero.

ALP vice president Khaing Soe Naing Aung said during the ceremony that they had lost a great leader of the movement but “we are still marching ahead to achieve our goal. If we unite our people we will be victorious one day”.