Military collects funds for pagoda by brewing alcohol

Military collects funds for pagoda by brewing alcohol
The Burmese Army is collecting funds for a pagoda being built in Lungler village, Than Tlang Township, Chin state western Burma by brewing and selling alcohol locally. The pagoda has to be constructed by the army’s Lungler based unit on the orders ...

June 4, 2009: The Burmese Army is collecting funds for a pagoda being built in Lungler village, Than Tlang Township, Chin state western Burma by brewing and selling alcohol locally.

The pagoda has to be constructed by the army’s Lungler based unit on the orders of the Hakha based Light Infantry (LIB) 266. Construction work started from the first week of April. And now they are trying to raise the money for construction by brewing and selling alcohol.

"The military produces alcohol locally and sells it to local people. Though it claims that the money is to be spent for constructing a pagoda, we don't know what they are spending it on. In fact, we have been ordered to construct the pagoda without being paid wages," said a local.

The junta sanctions Kyat 50 lakhs to the Home Ministry as the annual budget for the Buddhist mission, said an official of the Home Department in Than Tlang town. The military is selling its alcohol to youths. Sometimes they order the youths to sell it in Mizoram state, India.

"The cost of the alcohol is Kyat 1000 a bottle. They hire five horses at Kyat 3,000, when the actual hire charges are Kyat 5,000 a horse, for selling alcohol in Mizoram. They will not use the money made from alcohol sales for the pagoda. It is likely to be funds for the military camp. We, the local people work daily for the pagoda, so we know," a youth said..

Meanwhile Christian church leaders in Than Tlang town are trying to eradicate alcohol consumption in Chin state by keeping the alcohol license every year.

Likewise, religious leaders in Hakha and Falam town are taking the initiative to stop local alcohol consumption in their respective areas.