Junta renews pressure on Wa, allies

Junta renews pressure on Wa, allies
In the wake of the 20th anniversary of “peace construction” between the United Wa State Army (UWSA) and Burma’s ruling military junta, which was marked with great pomp and fanfare on April 17, a new round of meetings between the two have begun ...

In the wake of the 20th anniversary of “peace construction” between the United Wa State Army (UWSA) and Burma’s ruling military junta, which was marked with great pomp and fanfare on April 17, a new round of meetings between the two have begun, according to a source close to the Wa authorities.

Xiao Minliang, Vice President of the “Wa Government,” leading a 20-member delegation, left for Tangyan during the weekend to meet Lt-Gen Ye Myint, chief negotiator for the junta.

“The main issue would likely be the standing three point demand by the Burmese military,” he said.

The three points are:

  • To surrender
  • Or to become an auxiliary force under the Tatmadaw
  • For elderly leaders to retire and establish a political party to contest the 2010 elections

The Wa already has the United Wa State Party (UWSP). Its leader Bao Youxiang is wearing three different hats:

  • President, Government of Wa State
  • Secretary General, United Wa State Party (UWSP)
  • Commander in Chief, United Wa State Army (UWSA)

“What will be interesting is how the delegates are going to respond to Ye Myint’s query,” said an observer.

The Wa so far is yet to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the demand. “The
marathon (National Convention) starting in 1993 lasted for more than 10 years. Wa authorities have not failed to send delegates to attend during all those years. Our deputies have clearly expressed our position which is the Wa region requests to be granted autonomy with district or state status. GUM (Government of the Union of Myanmar) has finally enfranchised Wa ethnic region the status of an autonomous prefecture, which doesn’t fully satisfy our request. To enhance the democratic process of our country and sufficiently reflect ethnic reconciliation, we will continue our dialogue and negotiate with GUM to solve the problem and we believe we can solve the problem through dialogue,” Bao said in his speech on April 17.

Apparently for the same purpose, leaders of the Shan State Army (SSA) North, “our closet ally outside the United Front” according to the Wa, are also gathering at their Hseng Keow base in Hsipaw township.

“We’ve also been notified by Kengtung to be ready with our own answers,” said a source from the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA), a member of the Wa led Peace and Democracy Front (PDF), headed by Sai Leun aka Lin Mingxian.

All have so far been resisting Naypyitaw’s pressure either to surrender or become auxiliaries to the Tatmadaw and contest the planned general elections in 2010.