Authorities give People’s Militia training in Three Pagodas Pass

Authorities give People’s Militia training in Three Pagodas Pass
by -
Mon Son
Authorities in Three Pagodas Pass have been holding training for the People’s Militia for the last three weeks, according to local residents. The training, which began on March 18th, is based at the headquarters of Artillery Regiment 313 outside the town...

Authorities in Three Pagodas Pass have been holding training for the People’s Militia for the last three weeks, according to local residents. The training, which began on March 18th, is based at the headquarters of Artillery Regiment 313 outside the town.  

Amongst the approximately 60 people participating in the training are members of four organizations associated with the Burmese regime: the local fire brigade, the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA), the Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation (MWAF) and the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association (MMCWA).    

“I saw people from the training running in town in the mornings, including five women. These are people who serve the Burmese government and who are trusted by the regime,” said a resident.  

A source close to the Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) said, “The authorities plan to use these people as their soldiers. They provide food and money during the training.”  

This is not the first time that training for the People’s Militia has taken place in Three Pagodas Pass. According to a local resident who has lived in the town since 2000, authorities have previously held training there on three occasions,  

One of the organizations involved, the USDA, is preparing to participate in the 2010 elections although no official announcement has yet been made.  

There have been rumors that soldiers from the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) and Karen Peace Force (KPF) are involved in the Militia training and are being prepared to act as border guards in Three Pagodas Pass.   

A businessman close to both groups said he thought around half of those training might be DKBA and KPF soldiers although a New Mon State Party (NMSP) member doubted this, saying, “ I heard about the authorities in Three Pagodas Pass organizing the training but I’m not sure about the DKBA or KPF being involved.”