Restrictions imposed in Nayapara Burmese refugee camp

Restrictions imposed in Nayapara Burmese refugee camp
Restriction of movement has been imposed in Nayapara Burmese refugee camp since yesterday morning. The restriction order was issued by camp authorities’ yesterday morning when Burmese Rohingya refugees were going out from the camp ...

Teknaf, Bangladesh: Restriction of movement has been imposed in Nayapara Burmese refugee camp since yesterday morning.

The restriction order was issued by camp authorities’ yesterday morning when Burmese Rohingya refugees were going out from the camp as usual, said an elder refugee who wanted to buy some kitchen stuff from the nearby road side market.

Earlier, Rohingya refugees in the camp have been going out to work in brickfields, as farm laborers, workers, rickshaw pullers while some were students. They had an understanding with the camp authorities and they returned to the camp in the evening, said a brickfield worker.

“After the restriction on movement, the system of the camp has become complicated for our survival,” said a refugee community member.

Security personnel in the camp have beefed up security measures after the order was issued and closed all exit and entry points of the camp, they guard, said a shed leader from the camp.

When NGOs and concerned authorities of the UNHCR official enter the camp, they will have to sign in the entry book at the security gate and need to report for what reason they want to enter the camp. And while going out, they will have to report what they have done in the camp, according to sources.

Security personnel told refugees who requested permission to work outside, “You must obtain permission to work outside the camp from the concerned authority, then we will allow you to go, otherwise we will arrest you for going outside to work.”

“We have been living in the camp for three years without any restriction; we were able to work out side the camp for our families’ survival. We are now facing restriction of movement which will harm our survival,” a refugee said over telephone.