UNDP collects family lists from Rohingyas in Maungdaw

UNDP collects family lists from Rohingyas in Maungdaw
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has been collecting family lists from the Rohingya community in Maungdaw Township, since February 26 for the year 2009, according to a school-teacher from Maungdaw Town...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has been collecting family lists from the Rohingya community in Maungdaw Township, since February 26 for the year 2009, according to a school-teacher from Maungdaw Town.

The UNDP Committee members of Maungdaw Township have been collecting family lists of males and females of the Rohingya community from every village in Maungdaw Township. They are also collecting a list of under/over 12 year olds.  

The local people do not wish to submit their family lists to UNDP members as mostly these members, use the money meant for the poor villagers to serve their selfish interests. Sometimes, the UNDP members only provide some money to poor villagers, but most of the money is usurped by the Committee Members.

If the local villagers inform the matter regarding the UNDP members to the higher authorities, no action is taken against them, a local trader requesting not to be named, said.

There are other NGOs working in Arakan State such as--- CARE, WFP, GRATE, UNICEF, and UNHCR etc---, but they have rules and regulations and a proper system to check whether the poor villagers  have received the money, goods  donated by those NGOs or not.  But, the UNDP has no system. They take most of the money after paying some money to the villagers and the rest of the money goes into their pockets. If there is any objection by the Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) members, they (VPDC) are bribed by the UNDP members. After that the matter is covered up, a businessman from the locality said.    

Villagers want the concerned authorities to look into the matter and check whether the villagers receive the money and ration, donated by UNDP or not, a village elder said.