More checkpoints in Rangoon

More checkpoints in Rangoon
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The Burmese military junta authorities have beefed up security in Rangoon by setting up many checkpoints at busy intersections and crowded places, where commuters are being checked...

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) – The Burmese military junta authorities have beefed up security in Rangoon by setting up many checkpoints at busy intersections and crowded places, where commuters are being checked.

The combined force of the police, firefighters, Red Cross, and USDA members are inspecting buses and taxis plying in the city by stopping them at busy intersections in Shwepyithar, Hlaingtharyar, South and North Dagon, Myenigone and Hledan.

"They are searching for arms and ammunition. They are mainly targeting taxis by asking them how many people are on board, how many men and where they are headed. They are also monitoring families. The search teams comprise of police, USDA, Swanahshin, and Ward Peace and Development Council members. They have erected barbed wire barricades and are searching the cars," a taxi driver told Mizzima.

The combined teams are also inspecting private cars and trucks which are crossing Aung Zeya and Bayintnaung bridges in Hlinetharyar townships.

"They are inspecting household registration cards also. We can see police everywhere, along Prome Road, Myenigone, South and North Dagon townships. The combined force of the army, firefighters, Red Cross and USDA members are searching and inspecting cars and people onboard. They are also questioning taxi drivers as to where are they going, how many passengers the taxis are carrying, including how many men and women," he said.

The authorities are making announcements elsewhere in Rangoon reminding the people to report the arrival of guests at their homes if any, amidst news being circulated that bombers might sneak into the city, a security official told the Mizzima reporter in Burma.

Though the local authorities from Mayagon, Yankin, South Dagon, Insein, Hlinethayar townships among others reminded the people to register the guests stayting at their homes last December, they have not yet inspected their houses, the local residents said.