Noodle Shops Buy Poisoned Chicken From Thieves In Myitkyina

Noodle Shops Buy Poisoned Chicken From Thieves In Myitkyina
Thieves are making a killing, selling dead chicken poisoned by them to several noodle shops in Myitkyina, the capital of Burma's northern Kachin state. The thieves are killing the chicken with an unknown chemical agent ...

Thieves are making a killing, selling dead chicken poisoned by them to several noodle shops in Myitkyina, the capital of Burma's northern Kachin state. The thieves are killing the chicken with an unknown chemical agent and then selling the meat to noodle shops in the township, said local sources.

The chicken without feathers and the inside organs cleaned out are sold in a ready-to-cook state to the township noodle shops, according to residents of Myitkyina.
Since last November, families who own chickens and live in the outskirts of mainly Shatapru, Tatkone (Dapkawng), Shwezet and Manhkring quarters in the township have been wondering about the sudden disappearance of their chickens. They have also found dead chickens, said sources close to families who lost chicken in those quarters.
The news about such incidents spread quickly among the residents of Myitkyina. However the township authorities of the Burmese ruling junta is yet to find the thieves and take action, said Myitkyina residents.
A resident of Shatapru told KNG today, "I lost two chickens and one chicken died of poisoning yesterday.  Before the chicken died, it frothed at the mouth. When I checked the crop (craw), stomach and heart of the chicken, I saw blood."
Sources close to local eyewitnesses said, the gang first spreads killer chemical agents especially in houses in the outskirts of quarters. The chickens which die of poisoning are collected by men from the same gang.

In Myitkyina, almost each family in every quarter except people downtown breed chickens for family income and the family's food, said locals.
At the moment, the chicken prices in the township range between 5,000 Kyat (US$4) and 8,000 Kyat (US$7) per Viss (1 Viss = 1.6 Kg) whereas a bowl of chicken noodle is 500 Kyat (US$0.4), added residents.
Now, some residents of Myitkyina are worried about eating chicken noodles in the township because they may be affected by chemical contaminated chicken according to local sources.