Troop build up by Burmese Army on Thai-Burma border

Troop build up by Burmese Army on Thai-Burma border
by -
Hseng Khio Fah
The Burmese Army continues its troop build up along the Thailand-Burma border, where both the Shan State Army (SSA-South) and the United Wa State Army (UWSA) have active presence, according to sources...

The Burmese Army continues its troop build up along the Thailand-Burma border, where both the Shan State Army (SSA-South) and the United Wa State Army (UWSA) have active presence, according to sources.

On November 9, fifteen Dong Feng trucks of Chinese make laden with weapons were sent from Taunggyi to Kengtung. Each truck was accompanied by 20 soldiers in order to provide security, a source said.

A friendly Burmese soldier told our source that the trucks were carrying ammunition and shells for heavy weapons such as 120mm and 150mm Howitzers.

The junta has placed more soldiers between Mongton and Nakawngmu since November 7. Villagers said they later saw trucks carrying ammunition moving to Mongjawd on the way to border bases, where they were facing SSA and UWSA forces.

"It is likely they [the Burmese army] are building up their forces to be ready for a showdown," said Col Yawd Serk, Chairman of the Shan State Army (SSA-S).

Over the weekend, the junta has set up new equipment in Monghsat, apparently to control rebels and bombers, a source said.

Meanwhile, the ceasefire group, UWSA has been training soldiers and building trenches and bunkers along the border of their domain in Monghpen-Hotao, south of Panghsang since July, according to sources.