Chin people plagued with disease with onset of famine

Chin people plagued with disease with onset of famine
An official from Mohre Youth Clinic has reported that there have been many visitors from Chin state's Matupi and Thantlang villages, who had come for a check up in Mohre Youth Clinic, in the Indo-Myanmar boarder area earlier this month...

An official from Mohre Youth Clinic has reported that there have been many visitors from Chin state's Matupi and Thantlang villages, who had come for a check up in Mohre Youth Clinic, in the Indo-Myanmar boarder area earlier this month.

Most of the patients were suffering from malaria PF, gastric, pneumonia and other diseases. A report, released by the clinic said, "There were more than 50 people who had come for a checkup in this clinic from Matupi and Thantlang areas. Women were suffering from a swollen uterus and children were diagnosed with pneumonia and gastric.

The clinic did not have enough beds for the patients as most of the patients had come from Chin state, as a result some of them had been sleeping on the floor and staying at the houses of relatives.

In Chin state, people are suffering not only from diseases but also from shortage of food as bamboo flowering has occurred in this year, which normally happens only once in every 50 years.

"Due to the onset of famine, Chin people cannot purchase even mosquito nets, sometimes they are going without food all day long. Most of them are suffering from malaria as they sleep without mosquito nets at night. Some are suffering from gastric since they have been eating roots and leaves," Ko Unity said.

He added, "Chin people are getting checked free of charge. However, the patients are increasing in number day by day. It's sure that there will be many more patients this month as they can get free treatment here."

The clinic was established by the Chin community committee in Aizawl and was set up in the Indo-Myanmar border area of Saiha District's Mohre village in 2006. They have now started treating Chin people free of charge from this month.