Renewed calls for Suu Kyi's release

Renewed calls for Suu Kyi's release
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The United States has reiterated its call for Burma's military junta to immediately and unconditionally release imprisoned opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as she completes 13 years of confinement on Friday...

Chiang Mai - The United States has reiterated its call for Burma's military junta to immediately and unconditionally release imprisoned opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as she completes 13 years of confinement on Friday.

Robert Wood, Deputy Spokesperson for the United States Department of State, in a press statement released on Thursday, urged Burma's military government to take the first step towards democratization by releasing Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

"We again call upon the Burmese regime to immediately and unconditionally release her and the more than 2,000 political prisoners it holds," said Wood, adding that the United States remains supportive of the United Nations initiative of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in attempting to foster the release of all political prisoners in Burma.

"Over many years, Aung San Su Kyi has endured unlawful detention, she has remained a steady beacon of hope and inspiration to those seeking a peaceful, democratic Burma," Wood said.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, daughter of Burma's independence hero General Aung San, on Friday will complete 13 years of confinement in her lakeside villa. She was last arrested in May 2003, after a junta-backed mob attacked her motorcade during a political tour in the town of Depayin in northern Burma.

Burma's military junta in May of this year extended the house arrest period of the Nobel Peace Laureate despite challenges by her personal lawyer and her party that the junta, in extending her detention, violated Burmese law, which only permits five years of continuous detention without trial.

However, the junta's own interpretation of the law means a person can be detained for up to six years.

Labeling her continued confinement as a case of "arbitrary detention", Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her lawyer, Kyi Win, had submitted an appeal against her detention to the government on October 9.

"We want the immediate release of Aung San Su Kyi. This is unlawful detention. We welcome the efforts of the international community for democracy in Burma," said Nyan Win, spokesperson of her party – National League for Democracy.Chiang Mai - The United States has reiterated its call for Burma's military junta to immediately and unconditionally release imprisoned opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as she completes 13 years of confinement on Friday.

Nyan Win also said that with no response from the government on the appeal, the 63-year old Burmese democracy icon's lawyer had requested the junta allow him another meeting with her.

"He [Kyi Win] requested permission last week, but we don't know whether it will be granted or not," Nyan Win said.

Wood, in Washington, also urged the Burmese regime to engage in an all inclusive, time-bound dialogue with opposition leaders, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other democratic and ethnic minority figures, to bring about a genuine democratic transition.

Meanwhile, campaigners in the United Kingdom held a demonstration to mark the 13th year of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's detention and to call for her immediate release.