Over 365 acres of farmlands confiscated in Rathedaung

Over 365 acres of farmlands confiscated in Rathedaung
The Burmese military junta authorities confiscated 365 acres of farmland from the Rohingya community in Razabil (Auk Nan Yar) village in Rathedaung Township recently without citing any reason ...

Rathedaung, Arakan State : The Burmese military junta authorities confiscated 365 acres of farmland from the Rohingya community in Razabil (Auk Nan Yar) village in Rathedaung Township recently without citing any reason, said a school teacher from Rathedaung.

The farmlands are owned by 65 families in Razabil, who eke out a living from cultivation.

The seizure was ordered by the Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) number 538. Military officers told village authorities that anybody wishing to cultivate their land must give nine tins of paddy per acre as ration for the Burmese Army, he added.

"We are working in our land, but, we have to give paddy to the army. We will starve, if the weather destroys our crops. We have to give paddy at any cost to the army," said a farmer from Rathedaung.

"After our land was confiscated we are unable to look after our families as the authorities have restricted our movement. So, we are unable to go to Akyab or other towns to find jobs and here we are unable to procure food for our families. When I return home, the kids cry for food. What shall I do?" asked Ali Ahmed, a farmer who lost his land recently.

Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims live in Rathedaung Township , whereas 2,485 Rohingya families live in Razabil village.