Junta's license to gamble destroying people's lives

Junta's license to gamble destroying people's lives
by -
Hseng Khio Fah
At a time when people are struggling to make ends meet and eke out a livelihood, the Burmese military junta authorities in Kachin State have been allowing opening of gambling dens. This has resulted in the loss of property ...

At a time when people are struggling to make ends meet and eke out a livelihood, the Burmese military junta authorities in Kachin State have been allowing opening of gambling dens. This has resulted in the loss of property with one person committing suicide, according to sources from the Sino-Burma border.
On August 19, Sai Chit (31) of Nawng Zawn village, Nawng Zawn village tract, Wanzae (Mansi) township, committed suicide by consuming poison after losing millions and two motorcycles at a gambling den.
Gambling license is being given to villagers in Wanzae (Mansi) Township, Bhamo district, which is under the control of the ceasefire group, the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) since June.
Nang Mya Oong, a villager in Wanhwe, Wan Mawn village tract, received permission to open a gambling den because of her close relations with local authorities from the Military Affairs Security (MAS), Special Bureau (SB), local officials and police including the KIO. She has to pay Kyat 300,000 (US$ 250) per month. If the traders can pay a lot of kickbacks, they are allowed to sell everything even drugs, said one of her relatives.
"The gambling dens are full from day to night. We can get what we want there like Yaba (methamphetamine). Some people are becoming abnormal because of drugs and lack of sleep," said a driver whose truck operates between Bhamo and Namkham.
"Many villagers are in debt and people think of nothing except gambling since the dens were opened in June and the number of thieves has increased," complained a housewife who wished to remain anonymous.
There were about 10 farm owners who had to pawn their farms to the owners of the gambling dens to pay the debts while others sold their houses and other properties.
Bhamo Township is home to ethnic nationalities such as Lisu, Shan, Palaung and Kachin as well as people of different religions, especially Christians and Buddhists. Most villagers are farmers and tea planters.