University Students Investigated After Military Truck Kills Two Women

University Students Investigated After Military Truck Kills Two Women
Two university students in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State in Northern Burma were taken in by traffic police on Saturday evening (Sept. 13) after a military truck rammed into a motorcycle killing two women ...

Two university students in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State in Northern Burma were taken in by traffic police on Saturday evening (Sept. 13) after a military truck rammed into a motorcycle killing two women on University Street in Shatapru quarter, a source said.

The police took the students of mathematics to the traffic police station as eyewitnesses to investigate the accident. They were allowed to go back home after 8 pm local time, said a source close to the students.

According to the students, after the accident, they were accosted by the soldier who was driving the truck that had killed the women. They were told that the accident occurred because of them. They were beaten up when they said they had nothing do with the accident.

The military truck also hit the students' motorcycle after it rammed the motorcycle of the two women. The students sustained injuries on their legs and arms and their motorcycle was damaged, the source added.

However, they have not been cleared yet. The investigation is on and the students have been told by the traffic police that they will charge the soldiers according to the military law, said a student.

They do not know where the police kept the soldier. The students were told by the police that they will be called when they need witnesses while investigating the accident.