Locals attack refugee ration trucks to Lada camp

Locals attack refugee ration trucks to Lada camp
Teknaf, Bangladesh: A truck laden with rice was attacked by local people while it was going to the unofficial Lada refugee camp of Teknaf to distribute ration among the refugees yesterday, at about 8:30 pm ...

Teknaf, Bangladesh: A truck laden with rice was attacked by local people while it was going to the unofficial Lada refugee camp of Teknaf to distribute ration among the refugees yesterday, at about 8:30 pm, said Hakim Majee (shed leader) from the camp 

This rice was donated by Heakmatul Insania for Lada refugees. However, two trucks with rice reached the Lada camp, but the last truck was attacked by local people as they also demanded rice from the NGO.

On learning of this refugees from Lada camp rushed to the spot to release the truck, but the local people attacked the refugees with lethal weapons. A clash ensued.  Twelve refugees were injured of three refugees received bullet wounds. The rest of the refugees were sent to the Islamic Relief clinic for treatment. The three refugees with bullet wounds and another with cuts were admitted to the Nayapara refugee clinic.

Those with bullet wounds are Abu Sayed (30), Fayas (32) and Noor Hakim (28). Another refugee Nasir (25) was seriously wounded in his hand.

After half an hour, the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) and police arrived on the spot, and brought the situation under control. The truck was released and brought to Lada refugee camp. 

The representatives of Hekmutol Insania distributed 10 kgs rice per family. Yesterday, they could not distribute the rice to all because of security reasons. Today, the representatives are distributing rice to the remaining refugees. 

Hafez Salaul Islam, Sheik Jabet, Salmat Khan and Sheik Osama, the representatives of the Heakmatol Insania distributed ration among the refugees.