Protesters in Thailand storm government offices

Protesters in Thailand storm government offices
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Mizzima News
Chiang Mai – Irate protesters in Thailand stormed the government residential palace on Tuesday and seized the state television station.

Chiang Mai – Irate protesters in Thailand stormed the government residential palace on Tuesday and seized the state television station.


Some protesters of People's Alliance for Democracy party members forcibly entered the government residential palace even as police stood as mute spectators with folded hands. While some protesters scaled the fence, others cut the chains and forcibly entered through the gate.


Moreover the protesters seized both State TV channels which are now under their complete control. Other protesters entered government offices of the Ministries of Education, Transport, Agriculture and Finance at about 2 p.m. today.


Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej warned protesters that the government's restraint is being strained and it will take severe action if they do not disperse.


This is the first ever such forcible entry by protesters in Thailand into government offices.


The Thai PM warned the leaders of demonstrators that his government has many options to control the current situation of unrest if they carry on with their actions.