State Hluttaw Confirm Mon Language Can Be Used on Government Signs

State Hluttaw Confirm Mon Language Can Be Used on Government Signs
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At last week’s Mon State Hluttaw (Parliament) session, members discussed the topic of using the Mon language, alongside the Burmese language on all government signs in Mon State, including signs for government hospitals, schools, and departments.

A signboard for Kamarwet High School in Mudon Township photo IMNA

On the first day of the Mon State Hluttaw’s 10th regular session Nai Oo (aka. Nai Tala Chan), the Thanbyuzat Township State Hluttaw representative, proposed that all signs on government buildings be written in both Burmese and Mon because using both languages would improve unity between ethnic nationalities.

He explained that the Union Government had allowed the use of Mon on government signs but that when township administration officials were asked to add the Mon language to signs they refused because they were unaware of the Union Government ruling. Their attitude had discouraged people from asking to have government signs written in Mon.

Dr. Aung Naing Oo, the Chaungzone Township State Hluttaw Representative said: "Article 22 of the Constitution states that the Union [government] should help maintain ethnic languages and culture as much as it can, for ethnic unity. Some people want their own ethnic language written alongside the Burmese language in their region. In our area, when we did that, the township and general administrator did not allow it which caused problems."

Nai Oo said he wanted the State Hluttaw to officially endorse the use of Mon on government signs to clear up any confusion and ensure that township administration officials would not refuse to allow government signs to be written in Mon.

Nai Oo also asked the State Hlluttaw if the present name of the Thanbyuzayat Township General Administration Office, Bayin Naung Hall, could be changed to the name of a Mon king or hero as it is in Mon state and the majority of the population is Mon. The State Hlluttaw rejected his request.

Several other topics were submitted on the first day of the Mon State's Hluttaw conference, including discussion surrounding written laws and the drafting of bills.

Mon State Hluttaw was founded after Burma’s 2010 general elections. The First Mon State Hluttaw’s 10th regular session was held over three days in the first week of December.

Edited for BNI by Mark Inkey