Landmine Kills One and Injures One in Mongpawn Area

Landmine Kills One and Injures One in Mongpawn Area
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Translated by BNI

A landmine exploded killing one person and injuring another in the eastern part of Mongpawn area, in the Loilem district of southern Shan state on 1st November according to local inhabitants.

Landmine Kills One and Injures One in Mongpawn Area

The victims, a couple, Sai Maung Chit, 54 and Nan Hom, 30 were blown up as they searched for herbs in the jungle about a mile away from Zipze Village in the eastern part of Mongpawn. Sai Maung Chit was seriously injured and later died of his injuries in Satsantun Hospital in Taunggyi Township while Nan Hom is still in intensive care at Loilem Hospital, according to Daw Nan Han a Mongpawn resident.

She said: “Their wounds were very serious. Initially the victims were taken to Mongpawn Yatanar Clinc but their injuries were so serious that they were sent to Loilem Hospital. Sai Maung Chit had serious chest injuries and his wife, Nan Hom, might need to have a hand and a leg amputated.”

The Paoh National Army (PNA) or Paoh People Militia, who are allies of the government army, posted on their Facebook page that the landmine had been laid by unit leader Sai Thaw Na and his group from the Restoration Council of the Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA).

Maj. Sai Lao Hseng a spoke person of RCSS/SSA denied this, he said: “Since we signed the ceasefire agreement we have given up our policy of setting landmines. This accusation against us might be a misunderstanding. I have to say one thing, prior to the ceasefire agreement these sorts of accusations did not happen often but since the ceasefire we are often blamed for landmine explosions. Maybe there is another group setting up landmines to cause problems between both sides.”

He said that all the nationalities in Shan State should solve their problems peacefully. If they hold onto historical grudges there will be no national reconciliation.

A group from the RCSS/SSA led by Sao Yot Mong went to the PNO office on 3rd November and discussed with the PNO leader U Nay Win Tun how thy could lessen the current problems and build friendships.