Police senior officers to shed uniforms for 2010 election

Police senior officers to shed uniforms for 2010 election
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A number of senior police officers will step out of their uniforms to contest the 2010 election and will also take over as township administrators, police sources said.

A number of senior police officers will step out of their uniforms to contest the 2010 election and will also take over as township administrators, police sources said.

State level police commanders will be nominated as election candidates and township police commanders will take over as township administrators, the source added.

According to the police in Karen state, the township level commanders such as majors and captains would shed their uniform and join the political party controlled by the military government.

Another police officer source in Mon State said senior police officers are gearing up for the change.

Currently there is a rumour doing the rounds that low level policemen are not being allowed to carry weapons. But a military intelligence source denied this.

The military government is trying to transform the Union Solidarity Development Association (USDA) into a political party to contest the elections.

Some business tycoons close to military leaders said, that the four Lt. Generals who were ordered to retire had not actually retired. They have been directed to lead a political party under the control of the military in the elections.