Detained Suu Kyi allowed rare meeting with lawyer

Detained Suu Kyi allowed rare meeting with lawyer
by -
Nem Davies
New Delhi - Burma's detained pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on Friday was allowed a rare meeting by the military junta with her lawyer Kyi Win, leaders of her party the National League for Democracy said.

New Delhi - Burma's detained pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on Friday was allowed a rare meeting by the military junta with her lawyer Kyi Win, leaders of her party the National League for Democracy said.

The NLD spokesperson Nyan Win said they contacted lawyer Kyi Win after they were informed by junta authorities that the Burmese democracy icon wants a meeting with her lawyer.

"We were informed by the authorities that on the behest of Daw Suu, they are allowing her a meeting with the lawyer. It was their [government's] arrangement and the meeting went on for two hours," Nyan Win said.

He added that during the meeting Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Kyi Win discussed the terms of her continued detention and ways and means of legally challenging her solitary confinement.

The rare meeting took place following a visit to Burma last week by the new United Nations human rights envoy to the country, Tomas Ojea Quintana. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been detained for over 12 of the past 19 years, is meeting her lawyer for the first time since she last met her legal experts in 2004.

Nyan Win said it is too early to predict the significance of the meeting.

"We are not sure how significant the meeting is, but Daw Suu has handed over to Kyi Win the power to conduct any legal activities on her behalf and we believe there could be another meeting. But we are not sure when and how," Nyan Win added.

Meanwhile, rumours are circulating among the Burmese community in exile that the Nobel Peace Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi had gone on a hunger strike since July 29 demanding a meeting with her lawyer.

But Nyan Win said, "We do not have any such information. Kyi Win did not mention anything about it and we are unaware of it."

Kyi Win told NLD leaders that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is in good health and is mentally active, Nyan Win said.

"We are told that she is in good health," he added.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was last allowed to meet her family doctor in February 2008.