USDP alleged to have drawn crowd to demonstration under false pretenses

USDP alleged to have drawn crowd to demonstration under false pretenses
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Participants at a demonstration organised by the Union Solidarity and Development Party have alleged they were drawn to the rally under false pretenses.

U Cho Myint Khaing, USDP secretary for Zalun township, Ayeyarwaddy Region, told Mizzima that over 5000 people were present for the May 15 demonstration against amendments to article 59(f) of the constitution.

The demonstration was held at Zalun township’s Pyidawpyan pagoda.

Township residents told Mizzima that many participants who attended the rally were unaware of its true cause and that most were actually there under the promise of free biryani and a raffle to win images of the Buddha.

Speaking on May 16, Ko Naing Lin, a participant in the demonstration said, "we attended because of the raffle for images of the Buddha, in our village we had understood that the purpose of the event was to show our commitment to race and religion but we had no idea it was a demonstration or that it was organised by the USDP.”

U Cho Myint Khaing said that of the 5000 in attendance, about 2000 were members of the USDP and that the crowd held placards reading; “promote race and religion, support article 59(f)”.

Article 59(f) bars anyone from the presidency whose parents, spouse, legitimate offspring or the spouse of that offspring are foreign citizens.

When asked by Mizzima if he would have attended the demonstration had he known it was a protest against the amendment of article 59(f), Ko Naing Lin said, “I am not familiar with this law and so I would not have attended such an event.”

U Cho Myint Khaing said that raffle was not an isolated event held solely for the purpose of this rally.

“This is the fourth time I have held a lucky draw event and this time we gave away 800 images,” he said.