Locals in Thantlang Township are disappointed with the construction of the road between Thantlang and Lunglei. According to the Hakka Post, the central government promised that the new road being built by Alpha-Omeca company will be at least 24 feet wide allowing ample space for rainwater to drain off the edges during the rainy season. However the uncompleted motorway is only 20 feet; only reaching the desired width at the corners.
“There is no drain on the sides on the road and all the side cover will be gone when the rains come,” said a local.
Alpha-Omega claims it’s not responsibility for constructing a draining system for the roadway that was supposed to be finished in March.
The company has received a water pipe contract worth 150 lakhs (Kyat) in Hmunhal village, Thantlang Township. Work there has yet to begin.