Chin youth meet in Rangoon

Chin youth meet in Rangoon
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Khonumthung News
Around 20 youths from different Chin communities held a meeting in Lai Baptist Church in Rangoon, the former capital of Burma on July 29.

Around 20 youths from different Chin communities held a meeting in Lai Baptist Church in Rangoon, the former capital of Burma on July 29.

Youth representatives of Paletwa, Matupi, Tedim, Hakha and Falam communities in Rangoon attended the meeting and sought ways to forge ahead with development and create a strong bond between Chin fraternities.

Major issues were discussed in the meeting as to how to establish solid unity among Chins and what Chins could do regarding unifying Chins, according to an attendee.

Pu Sui Hing, a high profile businessman suggested forming an association or a Non Governmental Organization that will represent all Chin communities.

He further discussed the possibility of sending outstanding students from Burma abroad for further studies and enhancing the development of Information Technology among Chin communities in Burma.

Zozam, well known cartoonist of Burma, also came up with the idea to encourage Chin individuals to wear traditional dresses, use three colours green, red and yellow – the symbolic colours of Chins – as a way to promote and maintain Chin tradition and culture.

Moreover, the participants also discussed about a publication of a monthly journal in different dialects of Chin nationals.

According to the resolution adopted at the meeting, there will be another meeting to be held on August 18. Youth representatives of Mindat, Kanpalet, Asho, Mizo and Kuki communities in Rangoon will be invited to the next meeting.