Bengali settlement mapping for 2014 Census resumes

Bengali settlement mapping for 2014 Census resumes
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U Hla Thein, the Chairperson of the Information Committee of Rekhine state Regional Government said they have resumed making records of settlement location, drawing maps and census of Bengali villages on July 19.

The maps that are being drawn will show Bengali people’s settlement areas as part of data collection for the 2014 National Census.


U Hla Thein said that they will not consider inclusion of refugee camps and only inhabited villages will be represented in the maps.

The mapping was suspended after the Bengalis protested and expressed that they are not keen on the 'Mapping, Settling and Making Census' scheme that the Immigration Officers have been using to identify the exact number of Bengalis in Rakhine State.

The state Immigration Officer from Sittwe said that Officers from Immigration Department, local and international civil societies gave educational discussions and they have also intensified security programs to prevent further protests.